Monday, October 02, 2006


While it goes without saying that Dan is a bummer about many things, one annual event that always cheers him up is the coming of Fall! While the season of dead leaves also signifies the rumbling of Winter just around the corner, Dan can look forward to at least a month or so of orange, yellow, red, green and brown. Those vivid colors against a deep blue sky make Stinky Town a bit more tolerable. October, most of all, is one of the most beautiful months in NYC. The air, no longer heavy and humid, is more crisp and actually seems cleaner. Much more so than New Year's Day in January, Autumn is about the past, harvesting what's left behind from this round of one's life. Some say it's a sad time, but one has to embrace melancholy at least once a year. Fall makes Dan want to live on a pumpkin patch up in secluded Sleepy Hollow and write poetry until all the leaves are gone...

Who now has no house, will not build one.

Who now is alone, will remain so for long,

will wake, and read, and write long letters

and back and forth on the boulevards

will restlessly wander, while the leaves blow.

-Rainer Maria Rilke

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